Charitable Trusts
Burghley Estate acts as the administrator for a number of different charitable trusts

Burghley House Preservation Trust
The Burghley House Preservation Trust Limited was established as a charity in 1969 by the Sixth Marquess of Exeter for the advancement of historic and aesthetic education and the preservation of buildings of national importance, and in particular the preservation and showing of Burghley House near Stamford.
The charity raises its income from charging an admission fee to visitors and running events and other commercial activities at the House. In addition the charity owns a significant investment property portfolio based around the Stamford area.
Wherever possible the annual surplus is used to repair, restore and maintain the fabric of the buildings at Burghley House and the important collection of works of art and furniture that they contain. The Governors of the Trust also carry out their activities with a view to conserving the environment of land and buildings owned by the charity.
Annual Report
You can read all about the work of the Burghley House Preservation Trust in our Annual Report

Lady Dorothy Cecil Trust
Lady Dorothy Cecil’s charity was established in 1605 and the objectives of the Trust are to award Bursaries, maintenance allowances or other financial assistance to beneficiaries who reside in one of the Parishes of Stamford who either attend or have attended a school in Stamford.

Lord Burghley's Hospital
Lord Burghley's Hospital was established in c. 1170-80 to cater for the relief of travellers and the local poor and sick. The hospital was administered by Peterborough Abbey, but by the end of the 15th century its almshouse function was virtually redundant. After the Dissolution of the monesteries by Henry VIII the hospital was bought by William Cecil and part of it was maintained as an Almshouse until 1597 when the then Lord Burghley formally endowed it. The new almshouse catered for 13 old men with one serving as warden.
Today Lord Burghley’s Hospital is home to both men and women who have lived and worked in Stamford for a number of years.